By reining in voter fraud and securing individual rights, the Electoral College has effectively done its job for well over 200 years.
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Millennials Get It Wrong about Socialism
Most Millennials have a positive view of socialism and communism, but they don’t have all the facts.
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Bernie Sanders’ socialist utopia crumbles
..Denmark’s “major political parties… would oppose many of the proposals of Bernie Sanders on the regulatory side as being too leftist.”
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Charlie Kirk: So many students don’t know what capitalism, socialism mean

Seattle Is Dying: Radical “Progressivism” Is the Reason
The People’s Republic of Seattle, Home of Lenin. This is what progressivism looks like: crime, filth, decay, drugs, homelessness, hopelessness .
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Half of millennials would prefer to live in a socialist or communist country
In the West, only a small minority advocates communism. But many more tend to downplay its evils, or are simply unaware of them.
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Venezuela Is an Irrefutable Indictment of Socialist Ideology
…evidence speaks loudly that liberty, as mirrored in free markets, delivers. …socialist…will succeed only in bringing poverty and conflict.
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How Progressives Cling to the Past
The political Left, particularly in its extreme forms, has always been skillful in the use of language
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Do Millennials Actually Know What Socialism Is? Cabot Phillips Joins Watters’ World To Discuss
From: CampusReform Campus Reform: Cabot Phillips stepped into Watters’ World this week to discuss Campus Reform’s newest video, which featured[…]
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The Left’s Deluders and their Deluded
The Left’s Deluders and their Deluded From: by Rich Loudenback THEY ARE POWER MONGER$ and FOOLS It is an incontrovertible fact[…]
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