The Democrats remain largely invested in re-branding socialism.
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Medicaid Expansion has the potential to put our state into a financial crisis not if but when government funding is cut
Read moreCapitalism, not socialism, has lifted over a billion people out of poverty worldwide since 1990.
Read moreSocialism serves socialists, not people. Plain and simple.
It’s time our politicians had the honesty and nerve to state the obvious.
Read moreHere we go again with election recounts in Florida, and The Daily Signal’s audience is none too pleased.
Read more…the Deep State’s agenda behind the engineered influx of millions of Muslims into the West. In short, the agenda is to de-Christianize the Christian West and subvert nation states.
Read moreIn the socialist philosophy, rights are conferred by and subject to the State. This makes the individual not a citizen, but a slave of the state, whose value is determined by the state.
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