It must be hard to be Jim Carrey. His sudden fall from the comic grace has reached its sad climax, as the once brilliant, rubber-faced comic has turned into an unconventional, thick human hemorrhoid.
Carrey took his talent this weekend to Bill Maher to praise the virtues of socialism.
What do not these rich idiots understand about socialism, whose alleged truth is more virtuous than freedom? Socialism faces freedom, because when it breeds and thrives, people die. The promise of socialism is a lie. The Democrats are apologizing for this Marxist utopia because it is a proven failure of 100 million victims who have been murdered or starved to death because the rampant centralist planning is dropping you: in the grave!
Carrey is growing more empowered by the Canadian health care system, where, according to the Fraser Institute, waiting times for a specialist have risen by 128 percent since 1993. That's not nice, that's inhuman. Maher complains about military wastage and Pentagon programs that are socialist and unsustainable, but he wants to crack the freedom in tackle by adding programs that are more expensive and less sustainable, and the more we have to scream for socialism because we can can not afford it.
I have no problem with military and claim reforms, lower costs increase freedom. What I do not appreciate are multi-millionaires spitting out in their political baths fallacies that will lead to the most unlucky end of all: death.