Bavarian Soviet Republic (aka Munich Soviet Republic) & Adolf Hitler debunked by historian Dr. Rex Curry

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Munich Soviet Republic, Bavarian Soviet Republic

From:                                                  By Dr. Rex Curry

The socialist Adolf Hitler participated in three attempted violent socialist “revolutions” (but he succeeded in imposing socialism via voters electing him to office). The following are Hitler’s three attempts at violent socialist revolution (two were at Munich and only four years apart) –
1. Munich Soviet Republic 1918-1919 (aka Bavarian Soviet Republic) – under Kurt Eisner. German socialists conspired with Soviet socialists to spread the Soviet socialist “revolution” into Germany.

2. Munich Beer Hall Putsch – 1923 (November 8-9, 1923). Hitler was arrested for his socialist activities, and was charged with treason, in connection with the Munich Beer Hall Putsch. Imprisoned, Hitler wrote his socialist manifesto “Mein Kampf.”

3. Poland 1939 – German socialists and Soviet socialists became allies in 1939 in a pact to divide up Europe, spreading WWII, and leading to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part), the worst slaughter of humanity in history. Hitler and German socialists touted international socialism in a conspiracy with Soviet socialists.

Concerning the Munich Soviet Republic, Hitler had suspiciously little to say in Mein Kampf or ever. An excerpt: “In the course of the new revolution of the Councils I for the first time acted in such a way as to arouse the disapproval of the Central Council. Early in the morning of April 27, 1919, I was to be arrested…” Another excerpt: “A few days after the liberation of Munich, I was ordered to report to the examining commission concerned with revolutionary occurrences in the Second Infantry regiment.” There is nothing about his reasons for staying in Munich, nothing about the horrors of the councils (soviets) which he actually knew, nothing about the severe fighting that preceded the liberation of Munich. A photograph exists that seems to show Hitler at Kurt Eisner’s funeral procession.

While in jail for his second attempted socialist revolution (the Beer Hall Putsch), Hitler wrote Mein Kampf which promotes socialism (by the very word “socialism” repeated over and over by Hitler) from beginning to end. Hitler always used the term “Socialist” to describe himself and his dogma, and he did not refer to himself as a “Nazi,” nor as a “Fascist,” nor did he use the term “Third Reich” (see the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry concerning the linguistics of German socialists under Hitler). Those latter terms are used today by socialists to cover-up what Hitler and his supporters called themselves: SOCIALISTS (again see Dr. Curry’s work exposing this common fraud in modern history books). According to Mein Kampf, Hitler immersed himself in Marxist studies. Hitler also adopted as his notorious symbol the very same symbol that was used on the first paper money of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Here is a graphic image of that symbol on 250 ruble currency.
bavarian soviet republic ussr-socialist-swastika

Hitler used the Soviet socialist symbol to represent crossed “S” letters for his own socialism under the National Socialist German Workers Party (again see the ground-breaking work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry).

Eisner and the Munich Soviet Republic used a solid red flag for the “socialist revolution.” Hitler used the red flag too, and place his crossed “S” letters for “socialism” upon his red banner.

Hitler also adopted the notorious stiff-armed salute that originated in the USA’s Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, authored by the American National Socialist Francis Bellamy (this is another astounding discovery by the historian Dr. Rex Curry)
It is fascinating to see how almost all so-called historians refuse to describe the Beer Hall Putsch as an attempted violent socialist revolution, even though that is exactly how Hitler perceived it and described it. People say ‘Hitler said exactly what he was going to do in Mein Kampf! We must not forget!” And then the history books actively hide what Hitler was said in Mein Kampf, and afterward.

Bavarian Soviet Republic Munich Soviet Republic